Understanding HVAC Issues

Repair Or Replace: What To Do With Your Furnace

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As we’re moving into the cold months of winter, many people are turning on their furnaces for the first time in a long time. When that happens, they may notice that their system may not be operating very efficiently, or it fails to even turn on. If that happens, your first step should be to call an HVAC company and have your unit inspected for you. Once they do, they’ll most likely present you with a list of repairs they can get your unit operational, but may also suggest that spring is a good time for a brand-new furnace installation. Read More»

What Happens During A Home Energy Audit?

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If you truly want to get the most out of your home, a home energy audit should be high on your priority list to get accomplished in the next year. Although the auditor won’t actually repair anything inside your home, they will give you a professional analysis of areas by which you can improve on in your home’s energy efficiency, saving you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in the process. Read More»

What You Need To Know About Ductless Air Conditioning Systems

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If you are trying to make a decision about air conditioning options for your home, one option to consider is the ductless air conditioning system. If your home does not currently have air ducts installed, the cost can gradually increase with a traditional central air conditioner. For that reason, many homeowners opt for ductless. Here are some things you need to know if you are considering a ductless system: How Ductless Systems Work Read More»

3 Things To Decide Upfront About A New AC Installation

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If you are planning to purchase a new air conditioning system, you likely have a few factors that will finalize your decision. Price, maintenance, and warranties will affect your decision, and you may have certain amenities you can’t go without. HVAC systems are built to endure many years of operation. This is why most people understand that their purchase is an investment. Even though a robust AC system that is properly maintained can last a long time, there are other issues that may prompt homeowners to consider AC replacement. Read More»

2 Simple Ways To Improve Heating In Your Basement

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If you use your basement as a game room or storage place for your furnace, you want to keep the space as well-conditioned as you can. If the basement becomes too cold in the winter, it could cause problems for your family, furnace, and home. Here are two simple ways to improve heating in your basement.  Seal and Ventilate Your Basement If your basement has doors and windows in it, you want to seal these openings as much as you can. Read More»